Airbnb, wheatgrass shots and man buns. Everything that is hot and happening once started in the city of San Francisco. San Fran, like many people call this city is one of the most laid back and ‘European’ cities of the US. It has a small and compact city center so you can easily get around by foot and is very biker friendly. Thrift shopping is more a way of life than some trendy thing to do and everyone has their favorite Juice bar on speed dial. Being the epicenter of everything cool it shouldn’t be hard to find the latest ‘with-it’ neighborhood. During this SF trip I visited Valencia Street in the Mission area. A street far away from corporate down town, rougher than the rest of the city but less bohemian than Haight and Ashbury. You won’t find any giant high street stores here but small and interesting boutiques and concept stores. Done with shopping at GAP and Old Navy in good ol’ Market Street? By all means, continue reading!

Valencia Street  is situated in the Mission area. You won’t find any H&M here but lots of cool vintage, design and concept stores. What a way to collect your tips, ‘money is the root of all evil’ so tip your guilt away!

sf houses

San Fran is so Instagram-friendly!

This is the perfect spot to relax (and to recover from the 9 hour time difference between San Fran and Amsterdam). Don’t forget to bring your Whole Foods lunchbox and a plaid (or use your jacket that you are going to need anyway) and enjoy the lovely view from Dolores Park.

hey you

Everything for the blog! After I just said that I really needed a skateboard for this shoot, out of nowhere a guy came by with, yes, a skateboard! ‘Hey you! Give me that skateboard!’ So, ask and you shall receive…it really works! 😉 This mural by Amandalynn is on the side of ISSO vintage a store owned by the lovely Marie. Mission Dolores 3608 19th street.

aggregate supply

Love this concept store! You literally want to buy everything in here. Aggregate Supply 806 Valencia Street. Not only will you find lots of cool goodies for your boyfriend but also stuff for your home like tapestries, small furniture, notebooks, jewelry or fig jam.

store garden

So, always wanted to make a love potion for that one ex? Or are you looking for stuffed beetles, glass eyes or a chicken/weasel poster? (a weasel with the head of a chicken, I am not making it up!) Than this is the place to be, curiosity store Paxton Gate on 824 Valencia Street. Don’t worry, you can also buy less odd stuff like cacti and glass domes. There is so much to see you can easily spend half of your day here, must be able to handle heavy incense though.

Little Paper Planes, can’t afford to miss this store with the cute pink/green front door. This concept store is where the works of lots of local artists and designers meet. Get your stationary, art, jewelry and home decorations here 855 Valencia Street.


moose juice

So, since everybody stopped eating carbs and only drinks cold pressed juices, special cashew/cayenne/ agave milk and regularly detoxes, it’s obvious you’ll also find a juice bar in this street. Get all your juices and detox drinks at Happy Moose Juice. They serve all their juices in a glass bottle so no plastic fantastic BPA here. Tried and tested, the Tropical roots juice with carrot, pineapple, ginger and turmeric. 842 Valencia Street.

A somewhat dusty bookstore (but I guess that’s the cool part) where they sell new and second hand books. Dog Eared Books, 900 Valencia Street. Sharing is caring, there’s a box outside of the store where you can take books for free. Don’t mind if I do..


One of the cool and colorful murals in the Mission area. Fierce!

These colorful houses are like straight out of a children’s book. Yes for the pink front door!

take what you need


‘Take what you need’. Some more Valencia Street tips.

– for the coffee junkie with high standards, Ritual Coffee Roasters, 1026 Valencia Street.

– for all the pastry lovers, Craftsman and Wolves, 746 Valencia Street (try the ‘rebel within’, a bun with a soft boiled egg on the inside)

– lunch time, The Blue Fig, don’t mind the cranky waitress the little back garden square will make up for it all, 990 Valencia Street.

-get your yummy samosas at Indian restaurant Dosa, 995 Valencia Street.


Bye San Fran, it’s been real!


xx Mishanou

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