As I walked over to my car, wearing my uniform and carrying my suitcase a friendly gentleman tells me to ‘enjoy my vacation’. Somehow people still think that being in the airline business means that you are on a permanent vacay. That we are on a tropical location for two weeks, sipping cocktails all day. But usually those two weeks are actually a few days and being a teetotal those cocktails are more like coconut water. Being a flight attendant is not for just anyone. You have to be very good at shifting. One moment you’re walking around in your own city the next you’re waking up on the other side of the world. The other day, someone asked me what my next destination was going to be. I told him I had a ‘week around Europe’. What that was? Well it means I would be visiting five different cities in Europe in five days. I heard myself talking and thought, that actually sounds very hectic. And it sometimes is. Of course there are those ‘glamorous moments’ as well, like when your crew gets invited to go and see dj Armin van Buuren perform in Brazil. But a vacation? It sure isn’t. It is our job. Want to know how a week in the life of a flight attendant looks like? I’ll show you.oslo smoothie

Woke up in Oslo. Even though it has been a short night I did set my alarm not to miss the yummy breakfast. Fresh juices and smoked salmon? Yes please. Enjoying brekkie with the entire crew while we discuss organic labels on food and making plans for Oslo.

oslo indiska

My ‘buddy’ wasn’t feeling well so I went into town with another colleague. While chitchatting and looking for a Insta worthy spot we bumped into my fave Scandi store, Indiska. It is actually a Swedish chain and next to clothing they have even nicer home decor. The damage: a macramé wall hanging and I still regret not buying these gorge deep blue mugs with a gold rim..

oslo shopping

Minimalistic fashion. Just a quick scan because I didn’t want to try anything and take off all those layers of clothing. Just bought a hot pink sweater from Monki (H&M’s little sister) I already tried on before.

oslo red trench

Insta moment: I had to photograph my latest buy in the streets of Oslo: a fire engine red coat from Stradivarius #ootd.

oslo coffee

After warming up in this coffee place, back to the hotel, chilled out for a sec, packed my bag and back to the airport. Destination: Amsterdam and then Madrid.

no suitcase

Shortest little horror story…what’s wrong with this picture? Exactly: my suitcase isn’t in it. Been flying for about a 86 years and this was the first time my suitcase didn’t arrive together with me. Having to cancel all that I had planned for Madrid I picked up an emergency kit and went straight to bed.

zara shopping

So there was nothing left to do than: shop! Weekly dose of Zara.


From Madrid (via Amsterdam) on to Stavanger in Norway. Reunited (and it feels so good) with my suitcase. Because it was Sunday (and all the shops a closed) I just walked around in this cute little harbour place. Not only can you find a couple of bars and restaurants in this very colorful street but I also spotted a couple of vintage shops like The Belle and the Brave, Øvre Holmegate 34

stavanger harbour

stavanger houses

After a nice brisk walk in this neighborhood which was giving me a whole lot of Pippi Longstockings, I went back to the hotel. I just bought a few fashion magazine (love Scandinavian fashion and interior mags) at a Seven Eleven. Arranging my bags again and of course I gave the lady at the reception the wrong room number while checking out (happens to me all the time on a busy week). Off to Rome!

Just when you think everything is going well the unthinkable happened again! Something went wrong and we arrived in Rome minus suitcase. I mean, really…?!?  Luckily I had some of the emergency items in my carry-on bag. And being a very short layover, we were going back home after breakfast anyway.


After two days off it was business as usual. This time it was just one layover in Hamburg. After arriving I first had to answer some emails make a few phone calls. And then it was time to hit the streets. Along the way I ran into a nice place to have lunch, Dean & David. It’s a deli where you can get relatively healthy lunch, salads, wraps and nice curries. And they had my fave drink, Kombucha. Note to self: always carry some cash. They don’t accept any non German bank cards. One of the locations is at Valentinskamp 18-20, Hamburg.

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After a week with about 20 take offs and landings, six hotelrooms and 1200 different passengers it was time to go home sweet home to Dammie. Vacation? Not really, it’s more like a lifestyle!


xx Mishanou

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